* Refrences
- Title:
- Authors:
- Editors
- Copyright date:
- Notes:
- Back of book:
- Notes:
- Importance
** A Pixel Is Not A Little Square (And a Voxel is Not a Little Cube)
- Title: A Pixel Is Not A Little Square (And a Voxel is Not a Little Cube)
- Techntical Memo Number: 6
- Authors: Alvy Ray Smith
- Date: 07/17/1995
- Copyright date:
- Notes:
- Notes:
My purpose here is to, once and for all, rid the world of the
misconception that a pixel is a little geometric square. This is
not a religious issue. This is an issue that strikes right at the
root of correct image (sprite) computing and the ability to
correctly integrate (converge) the discrete and the
continuous. The little square model is simply incorrect. It
harms. It gets in the way. If you find yourself thinking that a
pixel is a little square, please read this paper. I will have
succeeded if you at least understand that you are using the model
and why it is permissible in your case to do so (is
it?). Everything I say about little squares and pixels in the 2D
case applies equally well to little cubes and voxels in 3D. The
generalization is straightforward, so I won’t mention it from
hereon 1 . I discuss why the little square model continues to
dominate our collective minds. I show why it is wrong in
general. I show when it is appropriate to use a little square in
the context of a pixel. I propose a discrete to continuous
mapping—because this is where the problem arises—that always
works and does not assume too much. I presented some of this
argument in Tech Memo 5 ([Smith95]) but have encountered a
serious enough misuse of the little square model since I wrote
that paper to make me believe a full frontal attack is necessary.
- Source URL:http://alvyray.com/Memos/MemosCG.htm#PixelIsNotSquare
- Local Copy: /home/timreven/Downloads/6_pixel.pdf
- Notes
** Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: The Analytic Tradition An Anthology - Second Edtion
- Title: Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: The Analytic Tradition An Anthology
- Edtion: 2nd
- Editors: Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen
- Copyright date: 2019
- Notes: This anthology has an index, unlike the other anthology that I bought recently.
** Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology`
- Title: Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology`
- Editors: George Dickie, R. JJ. Sclafani
- Copyright date: 1977
- Notes:
** Egyptian Painting
** History of Art in Japan
- Title: History of Art in Japan
- Authors: Tsuji Nobuo
- Translators: NIcole Coolidge Rousmaniere
- Copyright date: 2018
- Notes:
** Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology
- Title: Minimal Art: A Critcle Anthology
- Editors: Grebory Battcock
- Copyright date: 1969
- Notes:
** Oxford Readings in Philosophy, The Philosophy of Artificaial Inteligence
- Title: Oxford Readings in Philosophy, The Philosophy of Artificaial Inteligence
- Editor: Margaret A. Boden
- Copyright date: 1990
- Notes:
** Readings on Color: The Philosophy of Color
- Title: Readings on Color
- Editors: Alex Byrne and David R. Hilbert
- Volume: 1
- Copyright date: 1997
- Notes:
** Remarks on Colour
- Title: Remarks on Colour
- Author: Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Editor: G.E.M. Anscombe
- Translator: Linda McAlister
- Copyright date: 1977 [1]
- Notes
[1] The copyright date is taken from Wikipedia as I can not find it in the book.
** Set Theory and Logic
- Title: Set Theory and Logic
- Authors: Robert R. Stoll
- Copyright date: 1963
- Back of book:
Set Theory and Logic is the result of a course of lectures for
advanced undergraduates, developed at Oberlin College for the
purpose of introducing students to the conceptual foundations of
mathematics. Mathematics, specifically the real number system,
is approached as a unity whose operations can be logically
ordered through axioms. On of the most complex and essential of
modern mathematical innovations, the theory of sets (crucial to
quantum mechanics and other sciences), is introduced in a most
careful, concept by concept manner, aiming for the maximum in
clarity and stimulation for the further study in set logic.
- Notes:
- Importance
** Symmetry
- Title: Symmetry
- Author: Hermann Weyl
- Origional Copyright date: 1952
- Summary:
** The Artistic Animal
- Title: The Artistic Animal: An Inquiuiry into the Biological Roots of Art
- Authors: Alexander Alland, JR.
- Copyright date: 1977
- Back of book:
A renowned anthropologist looks at these (Graffiti among other
things) and many other controversial questions from an
evolutionary point of few. He concludes that there are certain
fundamentals of art which are the same for children and adults,
earl and modern man, Asians and Americans. For the real roots
of art extend back to mankind's Animal ancestors and it is with
them that we must begin our search for the meaning of art.
- Notes:
** The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication Second Edition
- Title: The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication
- Edition: Second Edition
- Authors: James G. Paradis, Muriel L. Zimmerman
- Copyright date: 2002
- Back of book:
This guide covers the basics of scientific and engineering
communication, including defining an audience, working with
collaborators, searching the literature, organizing and drafting
documents, developing graphics, and documenting sources. The
documents covered include memos, letters, proposals, progress
reports, other types of reports, journal articles, oral
presentations, instructions, and CVs and resumes
- Notes:
** The Oxford Handbook of Compouter Music
** The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Title: The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Editors: Mrgaret A. Boden
- Copyright date: 1990
- Back Cover:
This volumen contains classical and conemporary essays which
exploe the philosphial foundtions of artficial intelligence and
gognitive science. They illustrate objections raised by critics
outside the field, and radical controroversies within it.
- Notes: This book contains Turing's essay, Computing Machinery and Intelegence, the first section of which he entitled The Imatation Game.
** The Separability Thesis
- Title: The Separability Thesis
- Author: Iris Spoor
- In title: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Critisism: A qurarterly publication of the American Society for Aesthetics
- In volume: 81
- In number: 4
- In season: Fall
- In year: 2023
- Summary:
Debates over the metaphysical status of aesthetic properties have
persisted for decades in Aesthetics. One question that
consistently arises in any discussion of aesthetic properties is
whether they are fundamentally evaluative or descriptive in
character. Aesthetic properties are often treated as parallel to
moral properties which means many philosophers take it for
granted that aesthetic properties are fundamentally
evaluative. There are some philosophers, like Frank Sibley and
Jerrold Levinson, who take the road less traveled and treat
aesthetic properties as primarily descriptive in character. In
this paper, I outline Levinson’s intriguing view that the
evaluative aspect of an aesthetic property can be canceled
leaving us with the descriptive essence of the property. I refer
to this as the separability thesis. It contends that evaluative
reactions to aesthetic properties can be separated from the
objective, perceptual content of an aesthetic experience thereby
leaving us with the non-evaluative core of the property. I go on
to defend the separability thesis from a powerful challenge
developed by Rafael De Clercq. Ultimately, I contend that while
De Clercq’s argument is clever and insightful it fails to
undermine the separability thesis.
- My Remarks:
Some of the people I converse with on FB talk about metephore in art, Mark Staff Brandl being one of them. I even downloaded his book.
** Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology
- Title: Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology
- Authors: Stephen E. Palmener
- Copyright date: 1999
- Summary: